Professional Project
This is a vocational training project led by Homero Cortés, whose aim is to specialize participants in drum skills and artistic expression within a multidisciplinary approach. The project follows the style and distinctive characteristics of AAINJAA PROFESIONAL, contributing in an exceptional way to the development of high-level shows. It also encourages the growth of multidisciplinary skills in the participating AAINEDUCADORES.
Hourly intensity: 12 hours per week.
Requirements: Targeted to selected people, aged 16-100. Start your process at our school and request an assessment by the artistic commission.
Hourly intensity: 12 hours a week.
Aimed at people with previous selection from 16 to 100 years. Start your process in our school and request a timely review by the artistic commission.

From the heart of Bogota to the global stages. Homero Cortés was born on September 24, 1985 in Bogota, Colombia. He traveled to Spain at the age of 15, where he studied at university in plastic arts, theatrical performance and modern music in Barcelona. He was part of the company “La Banda Del Surdo” for 7 years, which participated in the main music and theatre festivals in Europe.
He returned to Colombia in 2013 and at the same time he founded AAINJAA and joined the prestigious Colombian group CIMARRÓN (nominated for the 2005 Grammy).
He has a long experience as a percussionist, artistic director, teacher and tallerista and has collaborated in productions and shows of other companies including Cirque du Soleil, Comediants, La Fura dels Baus and Cimarrón have performed in 34 countries.
Invited in 2017 to TEDxBogotá as leader and manager of the “Intelligence of the common good”, for founding and directing the largest multidisciplinary batucada on the planet and proposing a musical initiative that transcended street performances in Bogotá to conquer the world involving children, youth, adults and professional artists.
Since 2013 he dedicates all the seconds of his life to continue creating and building from and for AAINJAA.

By registering with us the artistic commission is constantly monitoring the AAINJEROS and its process, if they determine that you have the basic skills and competences for a more demanding level they will invite you to new training processes with other school projects.
Different evaluation criteria are used to teach greater discipline within the training levels where it will be very important to keep in constant musical study.
Consistency week by week in all processes makes a big difference and every trial with your level of training is important.
We are here to listen to you and help you on your journey to excellence in percussion and art. If you have questions, comments or want more information, do not hesitate to contact us through this form.